Orfeo Mandozzi
Marcin Sieniawski

The Triennial Advanced Cello Course aims at educating professionally with solid technique and art skills. The educational goals are oriented on building up an artist who has specific tools in order to undertake a solo and/or chamber music carrier, to give them the knowledge and the necessary skills in order to manage and stand a high standard concert event. For this reason public performance is to be considered fundamental part in the educational path.

The Multiannual Cello Course is for students who have not got their Consevatory Diploma yet, its target is to provide them with technical and performing skills, so that they can complete their education at a high level.

After admission exam students may access as effective students according to previous rules.
The advanced Cello courses have a single address: the solo concert one, it is on two levels and it involves getting its related diploma: ordinary and master.
The Master qualification is recognized for special merits by the committee on an absolute majority during the yearly final test. The so qualified students are exempted from the payment of the annul tuition fee. It is possible to enter as Auditor, under a previous authorization to be obtained by written request via e-mail to the main office address.Auditors may attend to all the Academy’s activities, under the single teacher’s authorization but they are not allowed to write on their resumé that they are or were students at the Accademia.

Triennial Advanced Cello Course: open to students who got their Conservatory Diploma (old system –first level, three years ) or, if missing, an educational level to be considered suitable by the committee and compatible with the excellence course. Such exceptions will be assessed by a committee.
Multiannual Cello Course: for students until the achievement of a Conservatory Diploma. The young performers will lead a parallel activity to those of the triennal course, setting a solid basement for educational continuity within the Accademia.

The Triennial Cello Advanced Course includes for every year the study of:
-two programs from a recital
-two pieces for cello and orchestra
-a romantic concert for cello and orchestra
-two virtuoso pieces
-one contemporary repertoire piece
All the pieces, but the sonatas and the contemporary piece ,must be performed by heart.

The Multiannual Cello Course includes for every year the study of:
-a program from a recital
-one piece for violin and orchestra
-a romantic concert for violino and orchestra
-one virtuoso piece
-one contemporary repertoire piece

Individual or group classes usually take place from October to June. The monthly based classes are managed according to the amount of hours of the single course:
– Triennal course, minimum 4 hours a month, 60 min each, for a yearly total of 36 hours ;
– Multiannual course, minimum 4 hours a month, 60 min each, for a yearly total of 36 hours.

During the Academic year there will be at least four public performances : two academic ones and two technique exams, evaluated by a specific committee
– the two technique examinations will take place during the last stage in November and the last but one stage in May (see school schedule);
– the two public performances , as part of a study plan , are mandatory for every student, two stages in December and one in May.
All the students must participate in academic concerts and they will be required to perform the pieces they studied during the schoolyear.The best students will have the possibility to perform a recital concert. (see Practice and Concerts).
The technique exams consist of a complete scale performance , that will be drawn at that moment.(major, minor, arpeggio, double strings, – third, sixth, octaves, fingered octaves and tenths) two by Paganini, Mazas, Dont, Kreutzer, Wieniawski etc , according to each student’s level).The scales with simple string and arpeggio must be performed in two arcades, double string scales must be performed bound “in four” . The whole exam must be performed by heart


The admission exam is by audition , its program must include the performance of:

  • for the triennial advanced cello course :
    -a free choice piece for solo cello
    – a free choice of a piece for cello, accompanied by piano.
  • for the multiannual cello course:
    – a free choice piece for solo cello
    – free choice of a piece for cello, accompanied by piano.

Class attendance is for a limited number of students, applicants will be admitted according to the previous list. In case of documented requests of relevant interest, the exam may be done during the academic year, but the admission will undergo the list.

Triennial Course: € 1800 a year
Multiannual Course: € 1550 a year
The payment will be set as follows:
First fee expiring 15th October each academic year
Second fee expiring 15th February each academic year